MCP In Action

Clients Stories

Over the years, we’ve worked with a range of individuals and businesses to help them manage their wealth and we’ve enjoyed every moment of it. Only the best results satisfy us, but if you need some more convincing, here’s what some of our clients had to say about us.

“Eamonn advised my husband, Stephen, on a limited scope basis when he use to be the Independent Financial Advisor for his Corporate Pension Scheme. However, we have recently become full-advisory clients. Ronan, Liam and Eamonn have taken us through every step of the Financial Planning Process, including how best to invest our capital, how to plan for the future, including what’s best for our son.  The MCP team are extremely accommodating and answers all questions in a prompt fashion. Furthermore, they anticipate when we might have questions and proactively answer those too.

We are very happy with the service and advice we receive and very glad we went to MCP for advice when we needed it.

Stephen and Tara: Hertfordshire – Clients (Full-Advisory) since 2020

“In 1989, my company arranged an ‘Away-day’ for those employees who were retiring. One of the speakers that day was Eamonn Kelly, advising us on our Financial Future. Since then, MCP firstly Eamonn and Siobhan and now their two sons Ronan and Liam with Patricia have looked after our financial interests with skill and enthusiasm. To be quite honest we look upon them as special friends. MCP are in constant and regular contact and helps to provide me with peace of mind knowing our affairs are in great hands.”

Desmond and Shirley: Devon – Clients since 1993 (a founding client)

“Eamonn has looked after my family’s finances since I was young, and it has been a comfort to be able to continue to access his financial advice into my later adulthood. MCP has offered bespoke forecasts, projections and investment plans all tailored to our specific life situation for over 20 years. Our ongoing Financial Planning meetings give our family great reassurance that our savings are being cared for and that we are being given the best advice we can get to support our future. Now that Eamonn’s team has expanded further, we have noticed even greater benefits and feel confident our every query can and will be resolved efficiently and effectively. It’s a great pleasure to be a client of MCP and I would highly recommend their services.”

Jessica and Jamie: Devon – Clients since 2014

“Eamonn has been my financial adviser for more than 30 years and during that time I have found him to be astute and honest, always taking my circumstances needs and wishes into account. I regard him as a friend as well as my adviser and always look forward to seeing him, I know that he has my interest at heart. I am now able to enjoy a very comfortable retirement because of Eamonn’s advice (as well as my own working endeavours!)”

Susan: Devon – Client since 1993 (a founding client)

“Over the past three years, not only has the performance of my pension been exceptional but MCP are proactively in regular contact, through phone calls and ongoing review meetings to see how my personal and financial circumstances are.

All in all, MCP have impressed every step of the way, and continue to do so.”

Oliver: Northamptonshire – Client Since 2018

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